Tuesday, September 8, 2009


A new beginning....
When we took that pregnancy test a few short months ago Ysmaille and I just looked at each other with expressions that could only be interpreted as "Now what?" Our life is already slowly beginning to change. I have had a great pregnancy and feel really blessed that my biggest pregnancy concern is "What should I wear today?" I am certainly more tired and more emotional than usual (Ysmaille can attest to that), but feel energized and ready to take on this new challenge.
The journey continues...
Our nursery has slowly transformed from an office to a nursery, but so much has been waiting on finding out the gender of our little peanut (who, by the way, is now the size of a mango according to thebump.com). It's funny how opinionated people are on this topic. I, for one, would never even consider being surprised at the end. I like my surprises early. However, I know many people who have the opposite stance. I just know that I am a huge organizer and planner and not to know would just kill me.
Boy or girl?
Even before I was pregnant I had a dream about a beautiful daughter with curly hair (see one of my first posts). When we first found out we were pregnant I wanted a girl so badly, but as I thought about how nice it would be for Ysmaille to have a son I became convinved that we were having a boy and I was really getting excited about the idea. Several weeks ago I had a dream that we were having a boy, and that confirmed what I was already feeling. Last night, the dream changed again, and we had a daughter. Our ultrasound was scheduled for this morning at 7:00 and when Ysmaille and I woke up this morning we both admitted that we couldn't sleep last night because we were so excited. He told me it felt like how you feel the night before a field trip when you are kid. This morning we had our ultrasound and it was so surreal to watch our beautiful baby move around. The baby had his legs crossed and I was so nervous that he wouldn't cooperate and give us some proof. After a few moments we had the proof we needed-- three lines and no extra "appendage". It's a girl! Let the shopping commence.