Last Thursday the midwife at Keystone told me that I could go anytime. I was 2 cm. dilated and 70% effaced. For those who think that information is TMI please do not ready on, because it only gets worse from here on out. My parents planned a trip to Virginia for that weekend and were nervous to go because it seemed like I could go into labor that weekend. Friday at school I was miserable. I was having Braxton Hicks and my back hurt. Saturday night I lost my mucous plug (I warned you about TMI, didn't I?). I knew labor was imminent by that point and my parents considered cutting their trip early, but I wasn't having any contractions, so they stayed. Well, that was 9 days ago and here I sit. I am now nearly 3 cm. dilated, fully effaced with membranes stripped and still.... nothing!
My bags are packed, my lesson plans are completed, my house is clean (relatively). I am ready. My arms are aching to hold the beautiful baby girl that I have carried in my womb for nine months. We have read to her, sang to her, prayed destiny over her, and now just want to hold her in our arms. The waiting seems so long. The unknown so exciting. Who will she look like? How much will she weigh? Will she have hair? Will her skin be the color of mocha?
Until she decides it is her time, I wait (impatiently) for Amirah to make her presence known. I love you, baby girl!