Thursday, July 2, 2009

Rumor has it...

Rumor has it that I am pregnant, and it's true! Ysmaille and I found out at the end of May, but kept it our own little secret for a while. We told my family right before we left on our trip. When we visited Ysmaille's family in Florida and Haiti we were able to tell them the good news. What perfect timing for us to plan our visit. We had our first sonogram on Monday. What an amazing experience to know that a baby is growing inside of you.

We feel really blessed. Things haven't always come easily for us. We've had lots of ups and downs in our four years of marriage. We've lived in two different countries and four different houses in four years. We've had uncertainties with immigration issues. This is one thing that came very easy for us and I am relieved.

I am really glad we waited to have children. The past four years have been a growing experience for Ysmaille and I as we've learned what it is to be married- to live with another person, to think of someone else before yourself, to share hopes and dreams along with fears and doubts. I will be officially done with all my graduate classes at the end of August. Ysmaille should be done with his school by February. Isn't God's timing perfect?
Timon and Pumba guard our little baby's picture that is proudly displayed on the refrigerator.

I couldn't resist buying a changing table. I ordered it on Monday and picked it up yesterday. Ysmaille got me started and then I put the rest of it together myself. Now I have to store it, because our "nursery" is still our office.


  1. Woohooooooo!!
    I am so excited for you!!!
    Mel---oh, how wonderful!

  2. Yeah! I can't wait to do more shopping on Saturday at the yardsales. I'm hoping we find some killer deals. What an exciting time to shop!! :)
