In 2011 I made three resolutions.
One of them I dismally failed at (having someone over once a month). Fail.
One of them I succeeded partway (choosing a different friend to pray for and encourage each month). Better luck next time.
One of them I proudly accomplished (reading 12 books- one each month). I did it!
The White Masai is a non-fiction book about a European who falls in love with a Masai, moves to Kenya, and has his child even though it means living in a hut and not sharing the same language with her husband. It's a train wreck, but interesting.
Something Borrowed is a romantic love triangle that takes places in NYC. It's a quick easy read, but certainly not life-changing.
Something Blue is a the sequel to
Something Borrowed. It's got a somewhat predictible ending, but it's still an enjoyable read.

If you haven't read any of Alexander McCall Smith's books from the
"No. 1 Ladies Dective Agency" you are missing out. They take place in Botswana and are a great look into the culture of this African nation. The characters are fantastic.
Kalahari Typing School for Men does not dissapoint.
Sweet Valley Confidential. Okay. Not the most mature pick I've ever made, but I couldn't resist this book because I had grown up reading Sweet Valley Twins and later Sweet Valley High. Scandalous.

I wrote a review of
Julie and Julia this summer as part of my Summer List 2011. It's a somewhat dry book, but if you are interested in cooking it might appeal to you. Plus, I generally just enjoy books that discuss someone's resolution to complete a goal.

I enjoyed
All the Finest Girls primarily because I could make connections to my own life. Part of the setting was on a Caribbean island. It is a very strange read, but kind of intriguing
Love and Respect. People have been reccomending I read this book for over a year and I finally did. I won't say it revolutionized my marriage, because I am still working on changing how I respect Ysmaille, but I highly reccomend this book. It certainly changes the way I look at love and respect in a marriage.
The Help is fantastic! I love it on so many levels. The characters are irresistible. The setting is in the Deep South during the middle of the 1900s and takes a close look at race relations during that period of time in American history. I highly reccomend this book.
The Flying Carpet of Small Miracles really made me take a closer look at the War in Iraq. It's easy to just thinking of the radical Islamic men being killed, but it's hard to imagine what life is like for the civilians living in a war-torn nation.
Monique and the Mango Rains made me really appreciate the fact that I don't have an arranged marriage, I have been able to give birth in a sanitary hospital, and have running water for a shower. This is a true story written by a lady in the Peace Corps who lives with a Malian midwife for two years.
The Happiness Project. I'm going to write a blog post all its own for this book- my final read of the year. I LOVED it! I can't wait to start my own "Happiness Project" in 2012. I'll tell you more about it soon.
Thanks for the info on your 2011 books! And, I need to do the same as you - blog about which resolutions I accomplished, didn't accomplish, etc.