Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Fun with My Baby Girl (Who's Not Really a Baby Girl Anymore!)
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Spring List 2012
Get Ritas on the first day of spring. Check.
Buy flowers for the kitchen. Check. Well, sorta.
Splash in the puddles with Amirah.
Decorate Easter eggs. Check.
Pick strawberries for shortcake and jam.
Have a picnic under the oak tree.
Write a letter to Grandma Harnish. Check.
Make six freezer meals. 1/3 Check. (I've made two of six meals)
Buy a pair of brightly colored flip flops.
GIVE BIRTH! This obviously will be the highlight of my Spring List 2012!I decided instead of buying flowers for the kitchen I would make use of all the beautiful flowering tree around me. So far I've filled three vases of flowering branches!
Please excuse the messy table. I could have cleaned it up before taking the picture, but it's real-life here, folks.
Happiness Project- April
- Two freezer meals ready to go (baked ziti and Mediterranean stuffed peppers)
- Xander's clothes washed and folded
- The swing and baby tub out of storage
On my to-do list:
- Maternity photos with the talented Selena Jetnarayan
- Carseat ready to go
- Hospital bag packed
- Four more freezer meals to make (looks like I might have time if I do one a week until he comes)
A side note on my "Happiness Project":
- In case you haven't noticed my happiness project has really just been one giant to-do list, which actually does, indeed, make me very happy. By far, January's goal to organize my life has made the most impact. My house, although somtimes chaotic, has really been a haven this winter and spring. I have a spot for everything and even when things get messy it's easy to fix because I know where everything goes. So am I happier? Yes, I think I am!