I'm not 100% confident that our Summer List will be completed. At this point I'm not even 50% confident it will be completed. But the thing is, we are having fun. We've done some fun projects that weren't even on our list and compared to how I felt at the beginning of the summer (sad, tired, frazzled, etc.) I am so happy! Don't get me wrong, somedays are crazier than others, but overall we are having such a fun time. This is such a conflicted time of year for me. I totally love being at home with my kids, and yet I start to look forward to going back to work. Dropping Xander off at the babysitter is going to rip a hole in my heart, but then I think of all the mothers who trust their "babies" into my care and I know that my job is such a vital and important one. I digress... Back to our summer list...
Feeding the ducks and fish at City Park (in Hagerstown) is something I've wanted to do with Amirah for awhile, and two weeks ago we got the chance to do it. Please disregard her "just woke up from a nap" hair.Daddy and Amirah on a little adventure. I just love the relationship these two have. It makes my heart happy.
Amirah and I made frozen bananas (with chocolate and peanut butter) last week. Oh man. They were delicious. As you can tell by Amirah's face she was pretty excited, too.
Painting with ice cubes was really fun. I just froze water with food coloring and then let Amirah move them around on a canvas. As they melted they left water marks.
Here's how it ended up.
You are such a creative Mommy!