Our day in numbers:
-- spent eleven hours at the park
-- rode four roller coasters
-- paid four dollars and twenty-five cents for bottled water
-- rode the pirate ship two times
-- shared one hoagie
-- fell in love one more time
Mommy and 'Mirah
I was seriously so excited to grill. First of all, I think we may be one of the only American families who doesn't own a grill. Second of all, using charcoal gives the food such an amazing flavor. Luckily for us, Mom and Dad stopped by and helped us make our turkey burgers perfect!
A close up of Summer List 2011
Drive-in Theater
Cowan's Gap
Mini Golfing
Make Lace Doily Lanterns
Evening at the Pool
Ice Cream at Meadows (use coupon)
Sidewalk Chalk
Campfire at Mom and Dad's
Clean Basement
Trip to Felicia's
Hike at Caledonia
Read 3 Books
Trip to Tennessee
Eat Breakfast Outside
Run/Walk 5K
Visit Grandma
Have a "ME" Day All Day