One of the things I was looking forward to the most this fall was carving pumpkins. I've never done it before. We bought these beauties three or four weeks ago, but haven't really had the time to carve them. Well, today the snow gave us no excuse. While Amirah napped Ysmaille and I got creative.

Our unsuspecting victims

The guts

Our creation (Ysmaille's on the left, and mine on the right)

They look much better lit up

Check out the stunned face and the fashionable gloves. In my defense I wasn't expecting snow before Halloween so Amirah wasn't prepared with gloves.
As a side note (for those of you who care) I've also accomplished making a pumpkin roll and going to Starbucks for a salted caramel hot chocolate (it actually ended up being a salted caramel mocha frapuccino). Here's too fall!
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