This picture is an "outtake" of Amirah holding the sign that says "I am going to have a baby brother." We posted a picture of her holding this sign the night before and she loved doing it so much she wanted to do it again the next morning.
God has been revealing my mothers heart so much the past week. Last Saturday I had the rare opportunity to snuggle with my little peanut. She woke up from a nap, but was still groggy so she just sat in my lap and we cudlled for five uninterupted minutes, and my heart overflowed with love for my "baby" who's not really a baby anymore. I just talked to God and spoke destiny over my Amirah. She is so fiery and passionate and I love it.
Just a few minutes ago I found a blog through pinterest that shared the story of a young couple who lost their beautiful baby girl to cancer at only 11 months old. It was four years ago and they've since had two handsome little boys, but the ache a mother's heart must feel over so deep a tradgedy is unimagineable. I sobbed as I read it and just offered a prayer of gratefulness that my two darling babies are healthy- one upstairs napping and the other in my womb.
I did nothing to deserve this wonderful blessing of being a mommy. I don't want to miss my opportunities to thank God for His Blessings.
I love reading all of these. So sweet. Hope you are getting ready for newest addition. :)