Monday, May 21, 2012

And Then There Were Four

Our little boy is finally here!  I thought for sure he would be early.  I had been 3 cm. dilated for two weeks and even my doctor didn't think I'd make it to my due date, but he had his own timing and came two days late.  It was definitely worth the wait.  So far Xander seems very laid back.  I prayed for a child with a personality like his father, and I think God has answered my heart's desire :)

Here's what's happening in our life in a nutshell...
  • For those of you who care about details it was another relatively easy labor.  I started feeling crampy about 2:00 am and by 4:00 we were at the hospital.  He was born at 7:57 am.
  • Xander has his days and nights mixed up and we are so, so tired.  To be honest I dreaded this part of the journey, but I am trying to find the joy in the moments that I get to snuggle my little guy.
  • Amirah is so excited about her little brother, but she is definitely acting out.  He currently has a scratch under his nose where she "tickled" him. 

1 comment:

  1. awww, the tickling him makes me laugh. . .so typical and funny. Sorry about not getting sleep and glad to hear you are loving life. :)
