Saturday, May 10, 2014

An "egg"cellent idea-- art project with the kiddos

I saw this idea on a little website you might have heard about... pinterest!  If you have a baking project that requires a lot of eggs don't throw those shells away!
I bake with coconut flour a lot, which is very dense and requires lots of moisture. The muffins pictured below contained just 1/2 cup of flour, but eight eggs. I knew this was the perfect opportunity to put those shells to good use!
 I cracked the tops of the shells to make sure I could fill the eggs with paint.
 Aren't they pretty?
 The next step was to take a canvas out to the back yard and so something your momma told you never to do-- throw eggs at something.  Amirah was more than happy to oblige.
 Xander was a little confused by the whole thing.  His aim is less than desirable and he kept hold the eggs above his head and the paint was getting everywhere!
 Isn't the end project fun?  It's currently hanging in our living room.  We want to throw more color at it, but I need to wait for another baking project.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness... what a fun, messy project! My girls go crazy over anything with paint. I bet Amirah loved it.
