I love lists. I am thankful. Let's combine the two...
I am thankful for:
1. My relationship with Jesus Christ. I know it sounds cliche, but it's true. I don't always spend enough time with him, but I sense his presence with me and know that He is sustaining me.
2. My husband, Ysmaille. I often take him for granted, but his love and grace for me is beautiful and I feel blessed to be his wife. No one gets me like he does.
3. My daughter. Each morning as I pick her up out of her crib each morning my heart is overwhelmed for this little person who came from me.
4. My parents. What a wonderful heritage I come from. They have always been supportive of my dreams, while still keeping me grounded.
5. My sisters. I feel sad for any girl who doesn't have sisters. Not only do I have two people that I can call on to borrow a necklace, bracelet, or scarf, but I have two people who understand the very core of who I am. We came from the same place. We shared the same childhood.
6. My diverse group of friends. My friends include teachers and performers. My friends include working moms and stay at home moms. My friends include singles and woman who have been married for decades.
7. My job. I sometimes don't look at my job as a blessing, but it truly is. I am making a difference in the lives of children. I can be creative. It allows me to help pay the bills and gives me good health insurance.
8. My house. I don't mind that it's only two bedrooms and there isn't a ton of room when friends come over. It's mine. It is filled with the treasures that fill my soul-- the bright colors, the Haitian pottery, the paintings, the furniture. I love it all!
9. My health. I have recently started an exercise program. I am amazed that in two weeks time I have already made progress.
10. My church. I am encouraged and challenged each week there. I have friendships there. It's a beautiful place to be.
I am truly a blessed woman!