{Cleaning}: the pantry! Last January (in response to reading The Happiness Project) I spent the month of January organizing every single drawer, cupcoard, nook, and cranny in the house. Much of it has stayed relatively organized, but our pantry is a catch-all. For example, right now there is an unused computer and monitor in there. Shameless plug: We are selling it on Craigslist for $160 if anyone is interested....
Saturday, December 29, 2012
What's Happening Right Now
{Cleaning}: the pantry! Last January (in response to reading The Happiness Project) I spent the month of January organizing every single drawer, cupcoard, nook, and cranny in the house. Much of it has stayed relatively organized, but our pantry is a catch-all. For example, right now there is an unused computer and monitor in there. Shameless plug: We are selling it on Craigslist for $160 if anyone is interested....
Friday, November 23, 2012
Here's the Scoop...
Friday, October 26, 2012
Mother of the Year Award!
Saturday, October 20, 2012
Fall List
-- I had a great salted caramel mocha at Starbucks last Friday when my beautiful friend Jamie came to town.
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
My Classroom, a Happiness Project Update, and my Sexy Husband
- I used bok choy for the first time. I made a bok choy salad with sesame honey dressing. It was okay, but not note worthy.
- The other thing I did was went "star gazing" with Ysmaille. We laid a blanket on the deck and just looked at the stars for a few moments. Then we got cold and went back in.
Monday, September 3, 2012
The Happiness Project- August
One of the biggest blessings for us was finding an awesome babysitter who also loves arts and crafts. Amirah has made some really neat paper crafts and she is always talking about "Miss Melissa". Once again God literally just dropped someone in our lap to take care of our children. He is so faithful.
Each night I wrote down a few words of what I was grateful for that day or what made me happy. Here's what I wrote.
1- Bunco!
2- an evening outside with my family
3- time with April and Erin at Starbucks
4- a chance to relax tonight
5- A.C!
7- an evening chat on the back porch with Alli
8- seeing Amirah's cousins together
9- apples from Josh and Sherah's tree
11- monarch caterpillars and a visit from Crissy K.
12- hamburgers on the grill
13- new neighbors
14- a partner in parenting
15- mulch I didn't pay for or spread
16- babysitter who loves my children
17- a goodnight kiss and a compliment
18- an evening with my sister
19- tea party with friends
20- successful day at school
21- playdate at the park
22- free lunch
23- lunch with Nikki
24- fun day with the kids
25- couples massage!
26- Brielle's birthday party
27- a great group of kids
28- the transformation of a butterfuly
31- foot massage
When I look over the things that made me happy I realized that more than half of them were the relationships in my life. I am so grateful for the friends and family God has given me. I am truly blessed.
I want to keep this attitude of gratefulness as I begin a new school year. I am also looking forward to September's goal-- trying new things. My goal is to try five new things in the month of September. Here are some ideas I had, but I would love to hear from you.
- cooking with bok choy
- karaoke
- going to Wal-Mart in my p.j.s (I want to see what all the fuss is about...)
- learning to embroider
- lay in the yard and watch the stars with Ysmaille
Saturday, August 18, 2012
Summer List Wrap-up
- visit Lake Tobias
- have a picnic and swimming at Fuller Lake
- make bubble art
- make frozen bananas
- paint my nails sea foam green
- paint with ice cubes
- go to Britton Park
- feed the ducks and fish at City Park
- watch fireworks
- spend an evening at the Municipal Pool
- finish shutters (for some reason I am not motivated to finish this project. Maybe if I knew what I was going to do with the shutters...)
- make a water pinata
- make homemade ice cream
- get a couples massage at Warm Springs (Ysmaille and I are doing this next weekend. So excited!)
- go to the pet store
- catch lightning bugs
- make donuts around the campfire
- take Amirah to Voila
- sleep all night long (Oh, God, please let this happen soon!)
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Afternoon Tea
Sunday, August 5, 2012
The Summer List Saunters On
Daddy and Amirah on a little adventure. I just love the relationship these two have. It makes my heart happy.
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
July's Happiness Project
I am super excited for August's goal: being intentional about noticing my blessings. In January I started a "blessing jar" where I write down how God has been provided for us financially. I want to take time in August to notice blessings outside of the financial realm. I'm including Amirah in the challenge. Each night I am going to ask her what made her happy that day and write it down so we have a record of our blessings. It's really important to me to teach my daughter that God loves to delight us and even during those days where things don't go as planned He is always showing us his love.
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Summer List 2012
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Spark People
Basically it's a social network of people trying to lose weight. I don't care about that aspect of it so much. I really just like the nutrition tracker. You can type what you weigh now, what you want to weigh and in how much time you want to lose that weight. It gives you a calorie range that you should stay in to do that successfully. It also gives a range for how much fat, protein, and carbs you should consume. You then type in everything you've eaten that day and it records it for you. There is something about having to write down what you've eaten that makes you think twice about the cookie calling your name. Last night I really wanted a snack (not so much because I was hungry, but moreso because I wanted something to do). Typically I would have had a bowl of ice cream, but last night I went to bed without a snack. Simply because I didn't want to have to go the computer and write it down.
Three days in I've already lost a pound. I refuse to diet. This keeps me aware of my choices, but still allows room for ice cream if I want it. So for those of you needing a little extra "spark" you should check out this website.
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
The Happiness Project Marches On
- I know only the moms reading this will really care, but Amirah is potty trained. Well, sort of. We do have occasional accidents, but I haven't had to clean out a pair of poopy panties in a week so I consider that a monumental success. She does still wear a diaper to bed, but I'm okay with that for now.
- My sweet Xander has only been waking up once a night. Usually somewhere between 3:00 and 5:00. I'm okay with that for now, but would love to have him sleeping through the night by the time I go back to school. We will see what happens...
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Summer List 2012
It's time to unveil my Summer List for 2012. I am so excited to complete each item. For those of you who care (drumroll please)... here it is!
Visit Lake Tobias
Have a picnic and swimming at Fuller Lake
Spend an evening at the Municipal Pool
Make bubble art
Finish shutters
Make frozen bananas
Paint my nails sea foam green
Make a water pinata
Paint with ice cubes
Go to Britton Park
Feed the ducks and fish at City Park
Make homemade ice cream in a bag
Get a couples massage at Warm Springs
Go to the pet store
Catch lightning bugs
Make donuts around the campfire
Take Amirah to Voila
Watch fireworks
Sleep all night long
I hope to include pictures of each event as I check them off. Bring on the fun!
Monday, June 18, 2012
In Honor of Father's Day
A: He sleeps.
M: When does Daddy laugh?
A: Sandwiches
M: Why do you love your Daddy?
A: I need my Daddy. I love my Daddy.
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Happiness Project
Here's what's been happening over the past three weeks. We left the hospital and haven't slept since. Xander, although very content in general, likes to eat. A lot. In fact he was up pretty consitantly every two hours for weeks. Amirah, my beautiful, spirited princess is breaking my heart. She's always been a little feisty, but I worry that she feels misplaced and it makes me sad. She is being defiant and agressive and I know that having a new baby in the family is rocking her world. On top of it all we decided to potty train her. We figured the newborn no-sleep phase is already a little "hellish" so why not just get it all done. Maybe it was smart. Maybe we are insane.
I'll be honest. When people told me adding another baby to the mix would be a challenge I didn't believe them. Not really. I knew it would be an adjustment, but I wasn't fully prepared. I am eating humble pie. I can't do it all. My children are not angels and I cry a lot. Amirah cries a lot. Xander cries a lot. The only one able to hold it together is Ysmaille. Although I suspect he probably feels like crying too.
So, how's the happiness project going? It has skidded to a halt. My goal for the month of June is simple. Survive. I wrote to goals in my happiness journal-- get Amirah potty trained and get Xander to sleep for four hour stretches. If I accomplish those two things I will indeed be happy.
On another note, I think I am coming out of my fog. I am actually looking forward to summer now. In true Melanie style I've made a schedule for us to follow because Ysmaille goes back to work tomorrow and I need to have some kind of plan. I've also made a summer list of things we want to do. I'll share that in an upcoming blog. Xander slept for 3.5 hour stretches last night. Amirah had only one accident yesterday. I am pretty sure I made it through the entire day without shedding a tear. Things are looking up.
Monday, May 21, 2012
And Then There Were Four
Here's what's happening in our life in a nutshell...
- For those of you who care about details it was another relatively easy labor. I started feeling crampy about 2:00 am and by 4:00 we were at the hospital. He was born at 7:57 am.
- Xander has his days and nights mixed up and we are so, so tired. To be honest I dreaded this part of the journey, but I am trying to find the joy in the moments that I get to snuggle my little guy.
- Amirah is so excited about her little brother, but she is definitely acting out. He currently has a scratch under his nose where she "tickled" him.
Sunday, May 13, 2012
God's Provision
I just want to give God glory for the amazing way he has provided for my family. Some of you reading this blog have been part of his provision. We have been going through what should have been a very challenging financial hardship, and there have been days of struggle, but really we haven't even noticed it that much. Here are some ways he's provided:
1. an awesome Sealy mattress for Xander's crib (just days after we decided we probably didn't have the money to spend on it right then)
2. a $25/week tutoring job for me so we had some extra money for a few little treats
3. soccer reffing jobs for Ysmaille 2 or 3 nights a week (something he enjoys doing that takes little time, but makes pretty good money)
4. maternity clothes borrowed from friends so I didn't have to buy new ones
5. two random $20 Target gift cards (sent from the company) to use toward baby items
6. spring/summer clothes for Amirah from my sister and a friend so I could supplement her wardrobe until yardsale season started.
7. four weeks of coupons to Weis (left in the faculty lounge at school) that gave us free orange juice, eggs, cookies, etc. plus additional coupons that took up to $16 off our bill. For an entire month we had a grocery cart full of groceries for $50/60 a week.
8. a "sprinkle" from the faculty and staff at my school with clothes for Xander, diapers, wipes and a hugely generous giftcard to Target.
9. twice I went out to eat with friends and they payed for the meals unexpectedly.
10. an awesomely planned maternity leave- when I stated that May 11 would be my last day I had no idea that there were only 19 days of school left and I just happened to have 19 sick days, so I can go an maternity leave and not have to take any days without pay!
Don't you just love how God uses His People to bless others? Almost all of the blessings listed above were a direct result of the people in my life, many of who didn't even know we were struggling, blessing me and my family. Holy cow! I just love how God works!
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Fun with My Baby Girl (Who's Not Really a Baby Girl Anymore!)
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Spring List 2012
Get Ritas on the first day of spring. Check.
Buy flowers for the kitchen. Check. Well, sorta.
Splash in the puddles with Amirah.
Decorate Easter eggs. Check.
Pick strawberries for shortcake and jam.
Have a picnic under the oak tree.
Write a letter to Grandma Harnish. Check.
Make six freezer meals. 1/3 Check. (I've made two of six meals)
Buy a pair of brightly colored flip flops.
GIVE BIRTH! This obviously will be the highlight of my Spring List 2012!I decided instead of buying flowers for the kitchen I would make use of all the beautiful flowering tree around me. So far I've filled three vases of flowering branches!
Please excuse the messy table. I could have cleaned it up before taking the picture, but it's real-life here, folks.
Happiness Project- April
- Two freezer meals ready to go (baked ziti and Mediterranean stuffed peppers)
- Xander's clothes washed and folded
- The swing and baby tub out of storage
On my to-do list:
- Maternity photos with the talented Selena Jetnarayan
- Carseat ready to go
- Hospital bag packed
- Four more freezer meals to make (looks like I might have time if I do one a week until he comes)
A side note on my "Happiness Project":
- In case you haven't noticed my happiness project has really just been one giant to-do list, which actually does, indeed, make me very happy. By far, January's goal to organize my life has made the most impact. My house, although somtimes chaotic, has really been a haven this winter and spring. I have a spot for everything and even when things get messy it's easy to fix because I know where everything goes. So am I happier? Yes, I think I am!
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
My Life in a List
2. Just ate Italian Ice at Rita's AND The Meadows. Can't pass up FREE especially when I'm pregannt.
3. Loving the new JCPenney's. Did you know every 1st and 3rd Friday they put things on MAJOR clearance? We walked out with a HUGE bag for only $31!
4. Have read 7 books (yes, 7) already this year.
5. Really want a new deck. Ours looks like it could fall apart at any point.
6. The "Happiness Project" is going well. March spring cleaning has included washing windows, cleaning vents, and washing every curtain in the house.
7. Looking forward to making at least 6 freezer meals for the impending arrival of previously mentioned Baby Boy.
8. Loving this early spring. March has always irritated me because of it's cold and windy days, but this year has me singing its praises.
That sums it up.
Saturday, March 10, 2012
My Babies...
This picture is an "outtake" of Amirah holding the sign that says "I am going to have a baby brother." We posted a picture of her holding this sign the night before and she loved doing it so much she wanted to do it again the next morning.
God has been revealing my mothers heart so much the past week. Last Saturday I had the rare opportunity to snuggle with my little peanut. She woke up from a nap, but was still groggy so she just sat in my lap and we cudlled for five uninterupted minutes, and my heart overflowed with love for my "baby" who's not really a baby anymore. I just talked to God and spoke destiny over my Amirah. She is so fiery and passionate and I love it.
Just a few minutes ago I found a blog through pinterest that shared the story of a young couple who lost their beautiful baby girl to cancer at only 11 months old. It was four years ago and they've since had two handsome little boys, but the ache a mother's heart must feel over so deep a tradgedy is unimagineable. I sobbed as I read it and just offered a prayer of gratefulness that my two darling babies are healthy- one upstairs napping and the other in my womb.
I did nothing to deserve this wonderful blessing of being a mommy. I don't want to miss my opportunities to thank God for His Blessings.
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
The Happiness Project (February Update)
February's goal was to do something sweet for my husband every day. I started out with a bang. There were notes on the mirror, on the laptop, on the bathroom sink. Then things started to fizzle. You see, my husband, the love of my life, is not really a note kind of guy. So I tried to think of other ways to show I loved him. I bought him Pringles on the day after he said he craved chips. I even surprised him with a date at Cluggys. Not overly romantic, but oh so fun! After a while I just sort of gave up thinking of ideas. Apparantly I'm not that creative. Do I feel like it was a failure? Absolutely not. Thinking consciously of my marriage helped me be more aware of how I treat Ysmaille, and at the end of the day that's what counts.
So, what's March's goal? Spring cleaning! On the agenda is washing curtains, baseboards, walls, etc. I even plan to borrow a shampooer and tackle the carpets. In all honesty I am a little tired just thinking about it, but I can't wait for the end product so I hope that's enough to get me motivated.
Thursday, February 9, 2012
February- The Month of Love
I've also been trying to do something little every day to show Ysmaille I love him. I've hidden notes in the laptop and in the bathroom. I wrote a note on the mirror. I've bought him vending machine snacks, made muffins and even made him a video (with Amirah's help). I'd love any ideas you have to offer...
Monday, January 16, 2012
January-- a success in the making!
On another note we are gearing up for Amirah's birthday on the 26th. We are having a "woodland fairy" themed birthday. I just love planning birthday parties. Ysmaille and I were the gracious recipients of a handmade kitchen set made by a family friend over 30 years ago. We have repainted it and hope to have it done today. I hope she loves it. It's certainly been a labor of love on our part (more so Ysmaille than me since he's the painter in the family).
I am just thoroughly enjoying this stage of life that we are in. It's a transition for our family for sure, but I feel God's hand so strongly upon us that even through hardships I have a song in my heart. He does not forsake those He loves. It's like He's giving my soul a hug this morning.